Skill Builders

Skill Builder: Hexbug Hacking

Skill Builder: Hexbug Hacking

In response to our Robotics theme on the site, several parents have written me to ask about entry-level robotics projects for little kids, and what’s the appropriate age of entry. Of course, the latter part of that is hard to answer. It depends very much on the child. The obvious entry point is Lego Mindstorms. But in thinking of other product lines or building sets that can scale well with age and growing technical sophistication, the Hexbug line came to mind.

Win a Copy of Robot Builder’s Bonanza

Win a Copy of Robot Builder’s Bonanza

Gordon McComb is helping us out on the site this month in support of the release of MAKE Volume 27, our latest robotics issue, and for our monthly Robotics theme here online. Gordon has also just release the fourth edition of his groundbreaking book, Robot Builder’s Bonanza. The first edition of this book was released in 1987 and pretty much launched the hobby robotics field. This was the book that got me into robotics, which lead me into electronics (and Forrest Mims’ book), hardware hacking, and most of my high-tech making interests.

Replacing a Busted Camera Screen

Replacing a Busted Camera Screen

Somehow the screen on my digital camera got busted. Since the ill-fated, and mysterious demise of the back display, I’ve been limited to using the viewfinder. Last week, I finally got fed up with not being able to take a picture without my eye jammed into the cup. Since I use my left eye to compose, and just about every camera on the planet is designed for right-eyed people, it has never been convenient to look through a viewfinder anyway. Add eyeglasses to the mix and external screens definitely work better.