star trek

Victorian Style Star Trek Uniforms

Victorian Style Star Trek Uniforms

If Star Trek had actually been a trek on a wooden ship that was navigated by the stars, then these Victorian style Star Trek uniforms by Cosplay artist Genovefa might have been what the female crew members would have worn.

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Building a Classic Star Trek Control Panel

Building a Classic Star Trek Control Panel

Scott, Blair, and Bob of the USS Nokomis Star Trek fan club, who also frequent Minneapolis’ Hack Factory, built this control panel for a local science fiction convention. It’s powered by an Arduino, which controls the lights and buttons, and a RasPi, which manages the sound. The Arduino also scans the bank of 8 switches […]

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Babystepping Towards the Holodeck

Babystepping Towards the Holodeck

Sci-fi fans have grown up dreaming of stepping into a virtual world that’s indistinguishable (in sensual terms) from this one. Just load up a program and you’re in different a time, or another world. As technology has advanced, we’ve seen virtual worlds and characters become increasingly realistic, but we’ve only had a chance to view […]

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