Video Making

Homemade Spacecraft

Homemade Spacecraft

The latest high altitude weather balloon video making the rounds is from the father and son team of Luke and Max Geisshuhler of Brooklyn, NY. Their setup included a 19-inch helium balloon with a payload consisting of a camcorder, GPS enabled phone, and a couple of hand warmers inside a styrofoam container.

WANTED: Video makers

WANTED: Video makers

We’re holding open auditions for new MAKE video stars! Want your own show on MAKE and our YouTube channel with 164K subscribers? We’re looking for individuals, duos, or teams who make cool projects and shoot/edit videos about them. Think you’ve got what it takes to be the next Kip Kay or Collin Cunningham? We want […]

iPhone TelePrompTer

iPhone TelePrompTer

From the MAKE Flickr pool: This isn’t the first iPhone TelePrompTer we’ve featured on Make: Online but it’s definitely the slickest. Martin Taylor of San Francisco, CA, built this beauty. More: DIY Full-screen scrolling teleprompter DIY iPhone Teleprompter Weekend Project: DIY Teleprompter