DIY Cleaning Tools for Gourd Art
Make tools to clean the interior of gourds quicker and easier.
Make tools to clean the interior of gourds quicker and easier.
This word clock has a lot of small steps that add up to a moderately difficult build. You’ll be building three circuit boards, possibly making (or modifying) a frame, soldering SMD parts and playing around with finicky die-cut stickers. However, the end result can be very satisfying. If you’re concerned about doing some of these […]
When assembling a proper laboratory, the gentleman or lady experimenter should be sure to include a Wimshurst electrostatic generating machine. This device will serve tirelessly in investigations into the field of natural philosophy, and provide interesting parlor games such as the “electric kiss.” Herein we will demonstrate the construction of such a spectacular device, with […]
There’s energy all around us, just waiting to be tapped. Whether it’s a hot cup of coffee on a cold day, light from the sun, scented candles, or waste heat wafting from electronics, it’s all potential power waiting to be harnessed! This is the world of the Stirling engine. Have you ever tried this fun […]