jig saw

Eventorbot! Open Source DIY 3D Printer

Eventorbot! Open Source DIY 3D Printer

The Eventorbot! open source 3D printer has a simple design requiring fewer materials than most other 3D printers. The frame is made from a single 4′ long, 2 1/2″ square tube (14 gauge/1.5mm/.0598″ thick; cost: less then $20). With this design there are fewer plastic parts and a stronger structure, all wires are hidden, and […]

Custom Wakeskate

Custom Wakeskate

This is how I went about making my very own wakeskate, from design, to building a jig, to laminating and finishing the board, to riding it behind the boat.

Mini Gun Madness

Mini Gun Madness

The basic construction is relatively simple, with a standard 1/2 inch copper pipe serving as the main support for lightweight tubes (barrels) that spin and emit light when they pass in front of a high intensity LED source. A cheap cordless drill — something from Harbor Freight, for example — would be the easiest way […]