Month: March 2005

The Atari 2600 iPod battery pack

The Atari 2600 iPod battery pack

ipod2600.jpgAltoids and old Atari 2600 cartridges make great project cases. Earlier Brendan Dawes’s made a USB drive out of an old Atari cartridge and now here’s a great step-by-step from Teach42 that shows you how to make a battery pack for an iPod using Combat.

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Instant Message Dolphins

Instant Message Dolphins

dolphin.jpgOMG! LOL! I can’t wait add Flipper to my buddy list…Seadragon allows you to emit underwater whistles and to acquire underwater whistles. You can now try to communicate with many species of whales and dolphins. Seadragon could be described as Instant Messaging for dolphins and humans. It does not translate whistles. It tries to recognize them, it gives a name to unrecognized ones, and it is up to you to figure out their meaning, if any. It allows you to emit whistles underwater and to see the text names of whistles emitted by cetaceans in response to yours. Download it here.

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GameOptics first impressions

GameOptics first impressions

lcd.jpgEarlier I had mentioned I ordered one of the GameOptic devices from ThinkGeek. It arrived, and wow, I really like this USB LCD info-gadget. Here are some pictures of some of the things it can do. I hooked up my web cam and set it to upload pictures to Flickr when someone messaged me (photo). There are about a dozen other projects I’m going to do with this little guy and the developers of product have been really receptive to more ideas and hacks.

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Make: Video test (for PlayStation Portable – PSP)

Make: Video test (for PlayStation Portable – PSP)

makepsp.jpgWe’re testing our new video feed- I made a quick video (MP4) that shows the ways many PSP hackers discovered to use a PlayStation Portable (PSP) as a web browser using a game called Wipeout Pure, an awesome DNS/PSP Portal from FugiMax and all the great info from all the PSP tinkerers out there. Follow the directions here to actually do this and to watch our test video. Save this video file to your local system and play on your Mac/PC or create a new folder on your PSP Memory Stick called MP_Root and inside that folder another folder called 100MNV01 and place the M4V83876.MP4 file in there. On the PSP go to videos and play it. Keep in mind, it’s just a quick and dirty test. If you’re in to more testing– subscribe to our RSS 2.0 feed podcast/videoblog aggregator style and have any audio, video and files we post here downloaded automatically. Make:Audio coming soon!

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World’s safest car, only one made

World’s safest car, only one made

aurora.jpgAndy Saunders has spent the last 12 years restoring the self-proclaimed world’s safest car, the Aurora. Designed in 1957 by an eccentric New York priest as the world’s safest car, it flopped and only one was ever made. It has foam-filled bumpers, roll cage and seats that swivel 180 degrees before a crash.

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Zelda Classic

Zelda Classic

zelda.gifEver like a game so much you made another one to keep playing? Zelda Classic is a tribute to (what we think is) the greatest video game of all time: Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda. It has been developed into an exact replica of the NES version that we all know and love. Beyond that, Zelda Classic allows the development of new quests that can use either the traditional graphics or enhanced graphics, as well as new enemies, items, and challenges. You can download user created quests (and here’s how to load them). Runs great on the little oQo!

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Using the PSP as a web browser round up…

Using the PSP as a web browser round up…

pspslash.jpgThe Playstation portable has only been out a few days here in the states and there is already a really cool hack for it- using it as a web browser. There are a few ways to do this and here are a couple- all require (for now) the game “Wipeout Pure” and redirecting the traffic via a proxy. Wombat Mobile has a great how-to here for Windows users… and here’s one if you have a FreeBSD machine- roto/moxy have some info. While I don’t think this is any scientific indicator of success- the portable gaming console that has the most hackers will “win”.

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