Year: 2009

Robotic snout does double-takes at passerby

Robotic snout does double-takes at passerby

“Double-Taker (Snout)“ (interactive installation, 2008) deals in a whimsical manner with the themes of trans-species eye contact, gestural choreography, subjecthood, and autonomous surveillance. The project consists of an eight-foot (2.5m) long industrial robot arm, costumed to resemble an enormous inchworm or elephant’s trunk, which responds in unexpected ways to the presence and movements of people […]

Most Controversial Posts on CRAFT in 2008

Each day this week we’re bringing you a different roundup of 2008 posts on the CRAFT blog. Today’s year-in-review is of the most controversial projects that have graced the pixels of these pages last year. We like to encourage intelligent discussions about thought-provoking crafts that break from the mainstream, and in 2008 they fell into […]

Music remixed by fish

Vivian Caccuri‘s Submersed Songs tracks the movement of four carp and uses that data to control an audio mix – Submersed Songs is a sound installation that generates mp3 player remixes through the movements of four live fish. The animals’ movements and the proximity among them work as a parameter for mixing and spatializing the […]