Year: 2010

How-To: Your Own Clothing Labels

Instructables user sadiesosha writes: Starting a small company? Can’t meet the 1000 piece minimum from tag-printing companies? Not a problem! Make your own labels on the cheap and never worry about wasting that hard-earned cash. Check out the Instructable for making your own labels that uses crossgrain ribbon, a stencil of your logo, and some […]

Secret handshake of the future

While at the MIT Media Lab earlier this week, I met David Cranor, a student in the Object-Based Media group, who showed me his LilyPad Arduino secret handshake project he made with Amanda Peyton, Arlene Persaud, Rajiv Bhatia, and Sinbae Kim for their Tangible Interfaces class last semester. He writes: We ironed on conductive fabric […]

Make: Electronics toolkit

We have the Make: Electronics toolkit back in stock! Do you want to learn to solder? Not sure what tools you need? We took the trouble out of searching for all the right tools for the job. This kit includes everything you need to get started in the wonderful world of kit making!