Year: 2010

World’s tiniest “snow” man

World’s tiniest “snow” man

It’s tin that’s been etched with a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument, with bits ion-welded platinum for the nose and to hold the tin spheres together. I guess it’s impractical to work with actual ice when you’re at the 10 micrometer scale. A human hair is about 50 micrometers across. It’s the work of Dr. David Cox and co-workers at the National Physical Laboratory in London.

Kitchen 101: Cutting

Learn the basics on cutting in Katie Goodman’s Kitchen 101 article that’s posted up today. Katie writes: Many around the world have resolved to start cooking more in 2010. I’m a firm believer that anyone can follow a simple recipe once educated on some basic terms. If you don’t know what chop, cube, dice, julienne, […]