Month: November 2012

Math Monday: Even Greater Circle

Math Monday: Even Greater Circle

For the Museum of Mathematics I have been remiss. I wrote an entire column on arrangements of great circles without once mentioning Buckminster Fuller. His original designs for domes involved bracing them solely with arcs of great circles. Since, on the surface of a sphere a great circle is the shortest path, or geodesic, between […]

Flashback: Apple Pie, Three Ways

Flashback: Apple Pie, Three Ways

By Maris Callahan For a lot of people, September means back to school. For me, September means apple picking, whether it’s driving to a “pick-your-own” farm or spending a morning rummaging through crates of apples at the local farmers market. In my house, apple season usually results in fresh applesauce, apple strudel, and obviously, apple […]