Hide an Arcade Machine in Your Coffee Table
This unassuming coffee table transforms into a tabletop arcade machine with just a touch of a button.
This unassuming coffee table transforms into a tabletop arcade machine with just a touch of a button.
A maker creates an almost entirely 3D printable AT-AT walker from Star Wars and shares the files.
In a pop-up repair shop in a DC gallery, an artist gives “broken” objects new life as art pieces.
Maker Simone Giertz creates a ridiculous, impractical, yet awesome motorized helmet that brushes her teeth. Sorta.
We have a box of Swarovski crystal samples here at the Make: office, and we can’t wait to give it to a Maker who can build something amazing with them.
This 6 part series is a truly delightful look at the work of 6 extremely skilled artisans.
Maker extraordinaire Jimmy DiResta runs through some of this most valuable tips for using a table saw.