Some of our most popular posts here on Make: have been about workbench construction. People always seem to be in the mood for a new workbench. Or, at least, dreaming about having a new bench in their shop.
We’ve covered permanent benches, folding benches, and quick and sturdy benches. Here, Elisha from Pneumatic Addict (try saying that 10 times) constructs what looks like a pretty quick and easy design for a fold-away workbench.
The design seems like it might be a little rickety, but Elisha says it isn’t. She ended up modifying the original Popular Woodworking plans that inspired her by adding some additional bracing beneath the removable top, between the legs.
For folks that have very limited shop/garage space, and also want a workbench that they can move around the shop, or roll outside onto the driveway, this looks like a great solution. Elisha offers full plans on her website.