Interested in learning more about the Maker Movement and helping make Maker Faire awesome? Join the Maker Corps for the upcoming Bay Area Maker Faire and get training and behind-the-scenes experience at the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth!
To become a Maker Corps at Maker Faire member, you sign up for one or more 4-hour shifts during the Faire (May 18–19 in San Mateo, Calif.) or before the Faire during setup (May 16-17). You then complete a series of online training modules before arriving on-site for your shift. There are a range of departments you can help out with, from setting up the Swap-O-Rama-Rama to staffing the information booths to assisting makers with running their exhibits. In addition to a fun experience, you get perks like a Maker Faire T-shirt and a day or weekend pass to the Faire. Check out all the details to see how you can support the Maker Movement and Maker Faire.
Note: You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this program on your own; if you are between the ages of 12-18, you can participate if a parent or guardian accompanies you on-site.