Benvenuto in Rome: A Call for Makers

Benvenuto in Rome: A Call for Makers
Maker Faire Rome, 2013
Maker Faire Rome, 2013

Last month was my first Maker Faire, in San Mateo, California. I knew what it would be, but I didn’t know what it would be like. The energy, the spirit of the attendees and the makers, gave the event that je ne sais quoi that made it unforgettable. It transcended, by far, any coverage — video or otherwise — you may have seen.

Now Maker Faire Rome is coming up, October 3-5. That may seem like a long way off, but if you’re a maker and want to show your stuff, now’s the time to apply. Fill out their Call for Makers by Sunday and they’ll be judged on relevance to the community, feasibility, innovation, and ingenuity, by a selection committee including Massimo Banzi, Riccardo Luna, and Costantino Bongiorno.

Yes, that’s this Sunday, June 15; you have just two days, and you’ll need to describe your project, as well as share some photos. If you can’t make it, check out our Maker Faire Map for other upcoming faires, in Europe and elsewhere.

Need inspiration? See Make‘s coverage of Maker Faire Bay Area.

Discuss this article with the rest of the community on our Discord server!

Nathan Hurst is an editor at Make. He loves anything having to do with science or bicycling. He tweets as @nathanbhurst.

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