If there’s a holiday better suited to creative, homemade projects than April Fools’ Day, we don’t know what it is. And while we’ve collected a few over the years (see below) the potential for DIY mischief making is limitless. So send us more (to editor@makezine.com) and we’ll publish the best of them on April 1 — no fooling.
Some of our favorites:
- Cubicle o’ Peanuts (almost as fun as actually filling an office with packing peanuts).
- The Brain Assailant (this one is just mean).
- The Singing Keyboard (ideal for coworkers who TYPE IN ALL CAPS).
- Head in a Jar (a bit macabre — just means you can reuse it on Halloween).
- Shake-Activated Box (designed for birthday presents, but applicable to anything that gets shaken).
- Misbehaving Shadow (though it’s almost like pranking yourself).
- Melting Spoon (if you have access to gallium, the visual effect is fantastic).
- Pre-Sliced Bananas (clever and good on breakfast cereal).
- The Phantom Keystroker (desktop computers only).