On this week’s Make: Talk, we’ll be talking to Tom Igoe, one of the developers of Arduino (the extremely popular open source microcontroller), and the Area head of physical computing at the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), New York University. Tom is also the author of the amazing Making Things Talk (Make: Books). Mark is still on the road, so Dale and I will be joined “in the studio” by Goli Mohammadi, Assoc Managing Editor of MAKE and CRAFT. In addition to talking to Tom, we’ll present some news from the world of making, as well as some of our favorite tricks, tips, and tools of the week. Be sure to call in for prizes that we’ll award during the program!
Make: Talk episode #003 show notes and next episode
Make: Talk episode 2 show notes and next episode
Make: Talk episode 1 show notes and next episode
Making Things Talk
Our Price: $29.99
Programming microcontrollers used to require an expensive development environment costing thousands of dollars and requiring professional electrical engineering expertise. Open-source physical computing platforms with simple i/o boards and development environments have led to new options for hobbyists, hackers, and makers. This book contains a series of projects that teach you what you need to know to get your creations talking to each other, connecting to the web, and forming networks of smart devices. Read reviews here and here.