The World Maker Faire episode of The Martha Stewart Show is now online! TV-less or just Hallmark Channel-less? Watch the video clips on Martha’s site (sadly not embeddable here). We’re ecstatic to see some of our favorite makers featured on the show yesterday. I was lucky enough to attend with Maker Faire director Sherry Huss, Nick Normal, Lish Dorset, and Nick Britsky. The studio is just amazing, and it was so inspiring to see the makers shine! Much love to the Martha Stewart team for supporting Maker Faire both onsite and in the studio.
Some techno-highlights:
- Eggbot drawing robot kit with Bruce Shapiro (video)
- Hydroponic Windowfarms with Britta Riley (video)
- USB Typewriter by Jack Zylkin, who managed to squeeze in a plug for open source hardware! (video)
- QuadroTapult and MechaniCards by Brad Litwin (video)
Really, if you only watch one episode of Martha ever, let it be this one.