The folks at Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose were our most gracious hosts for the Maker Faire Auditions on Sunday. On April 25th, the museum will play host to their 22nd annual Tech Challenge, an annual team design contest for budding engineers in grades 5 – 12. MAKE is proud to be a sponsor of this event.
The Challenge is looking for more teams. They’re looking for kids from grade schools, home schools, church groups, after-school clubs, camp programs, any sort of youth group who wants to participate. If you don’t have a team/club, no problem, you can create one for the event! All you need is an adult sponsor.
This year’s challenge?
Your challenge is to design a simple device that can safely deliver a small payload to a specific target inside a volcano. Of course, we don’t have a real volcano at The Tech, so we have created a simulated one for this challenge. Check out the drawings of the volcano Test Rig.
To find out more, visit the Tech Challenge 2009 site.
To register, go here.
Join the Tech Challenge Facebook group here.