DiResta: Looking Glass

DiResta: Looking Glass


This past week was extremely busy for me. I was working at the Plaza Hotel in mid-town NYC. I built and installed all the elements for Piadia, the newest restaurant in the food court. While going into the loading dock  I passed all the trash for the building. On top of a huge bin of trash was this magnifying glass. I grabbed it right away! My friend David Waelder was with me and he immediately said, “You need to make a movie about creating the handle and bezel for that magnifying glass.”

Up to that point I was too busy to even think about what this week’s movie was going to be. This was the perfect idea.  Found in the trash the Plaza Hotel.


  • 1957 South Bend lathe
  • 7 different files
  • Buffing wheel
  • Band saw
  • Drill
  • Tap for 2/56 screws


  • 1/8 brass sheet
  • 1.25 solid brass rod
  • Magnifying glass

In each bi-monthly episode of DiResta (every other Wednesday), artist and master builder Jimmy DiResta (Dirty MoneyHammeredAgainst the GrainTrash for Cash) lets us into his workshop, to look over his shoulder while he builds whatever strikes his fancy. 

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