Genevieve Bee is an aspiring prop maker, and this project shows that she is well on her way to having an impressive portfolio. She shared a bit of her story with us on her MakerShare page, which got us curious so we had a look at her blog. Wow. This wooden Iron Giant is simply stunning.
She documented this incredibly beautiful build in great detail on her blog, sharing pictures of every step of the process along with some insight she picked up along the way.
One learning point that was interesting was that she quickly abandoned foam prototyping, finding that it simply duplicated her work without any real benefit.
After making a few parts of the giant from foam board I realised that as the material is so different from wood it wasn’t really helping me visualise how I was going to make the real one.
At another point, she delightfully explains her first encounters with a mill.
We were then shown how to use the milling machine which was incredible! Holy damn I don’t know how I ever lived without it, the levels of precision you can accomplish with this thing are incredible. My whole thought process when it comes to visualising how I would approach making something has changed. This project would have been extremely difficult and certainly a lot less successful without it.
Even though it sounds like her introduction to the mill changed her life for the better, you can see that she still had tons of hand sculpting to do on this project. Just to give you a taste of her process, here is a small gallery of her creation of the Iron Giant’s head. Her blog post has tons more pictures.