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Agnieszka Golda
and JO LAW PH.D. combine their expertise in textiles, design, visual and media arts, and bring together art, science, and technology to develop creative strategies for improving people’s and the planet’s well-being. Their eco-making workshops for the Global Challenges: Future Makers Project at University of Wollongong explore how creativity and science can contribute to building environmentally sustainable and healthy living futures.
The outbreak of Covid-19 is having an enormous and diverse impact on people globally. Many people feel isolated, frustrated, and overwhelmed. To manage our well-being, crisis support organizations emphasize a “calm approach” that incorporates creative, mindful practices in our daily routines. Creative activities can help us to express our feelings and to connect with family, friends, and communities. Today, the connection between well-being and engagement with “slow” approaches to making is more meaningful than ever.
Latest from Agnieszka Golda
Practice “slow making” and mindfulness while needle-felting, then sew on a light to complete the magical experience
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