Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 385 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Microfiche musical interface


Andrew Turley turned a microfiche viewer into a musical/MIDI interface simply by pointing a photodiode at the screen and feeding...

The science and poetry of clouds

The science and poetry of clouds


There’s a Cloud Appreciation Society. Who knew? Lots of pictures, art, poetry, science, folk lure, discussion, etc. Cloud books, too...

Slot car cam


When I was a tween, I lived for slot-cars. Our small town outside of Richmond, VA had two slot car...

Peggy 2.0 released

Peggy 2.0 released


Our pals over at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories have released version 2.0 of their awesome Peggy LED pegboard display kit....

More on the Maker’s Notebook

More on the Maker’s Notebook


People have been asking for more details about the Maker’s Notebook. It hasn’t been officially released yet and is not...

Abney Park violin mod

Abney Park violin mod


Steampunk artisan Molly “Porkshanks” Friedrich (right) modded this awesome violin for Nathan Johnstone (left) of Abney Park. The faux vacuum...

The Boiler Bar at Maker Faire

The Boiler Bar at Maker Faire


Tired of all the steampunk gunk? How about some “oilpunk,” via Jon Sarriugarte’s Boiler Bar and the Boiler Bar Theater....

The art of the junkbot

The art of the junkbot


These are some of the coolest junkbot sculptures I’ve seen. Really clever use of computer mice parts, windshield wiper pieces,...

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