Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 386 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Abney Park plays Maker Faire


We’re thrilled to have the well-known steampunk band Abney Park as part of the Saturday Night Steampunk Spectacular, a new...

Home Chemistry at Maker Faire

Home Chemistry at Maker Faire


We’re very excited about the release of the second in our line of DIY Science books, Illustrated Guide to Home...

5-minute multitouch


Lo-tek multitouch using a Web cam, a cardboard box, and a sheet of glass. 5 Minute, Dirt Cheap Multitouch Pad...

Maker Faire takes shape

Maker Faire takes shape


The 21st century carnival comes to town. The tents are getting pitched, the tools are being set out, the batteries...

Yet another whiteboard robot


And you thought boardroom meeting where tedious and dull before. This one takes input from the InterWeb. Sprites mods: Online...

Capacitor spool phyllotaxis?

Capacitor spool phyllotaxis?


Lenore, of Evil Mad Scientist Labs, glimpses the pattern that connects in a spool of monolithic capacitors: These capacitors… exhibit...

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