Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 394 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Overclocking the XO


Cory at Boing Boing points us to this piece on OLPC News about overclocking the XO laptop. OLPC XO Hacks:...

Making uber Ikea lamps

Making uber Ikea lamps


In this Instructable, the builder combines a bunch of $5 Ikea “Lampans” into larger spherical, Platonic-y lamps. Big lamps from...

Pink Eraser USB drive

Pink Eraser USB drive


Yes, I know, anything can be used as a USB Flash drive case. And yes, you’d want to keep eraser...

Pocket jet engine

Pocket jet engine


“Is that a jet engine in your pocket, or…” Oh, nevermind. The accidental pocket jet engine…

Images from ROBO-ONE 13

Images from ROBO-ONE 13


ROBO-ONE 13 just happened in Tokyo. Here are some images of the event via Robots-Dreams. ROBO-ONE 13

Modding a classic desk phone

Modding a classic desk phone


A detailed hacking how-to guide: Modify a classic 80’s desk phone for use with a modern wireless handset and build...

Attention DC Dorks!


Don’t forget, the March meeting is tonight! I’ll be speaking on “Darkside Rocketeer,” my article from Volume 13 of MAKE,...

Playing the stand-up Bidet

Playing the stand-up Bidet


In response to our posting of mint tin guitar, a reader pointed us to this Argentine group called Les Luthiers...

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