Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 401 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Kondo robot gets rebrained

Kondo robot gets rebrained


The Kondo Humanoid Robot just got a brain upgrade, thanks to the announcement of a new controller board, the KCB-1....

Bird vs. robot

Bird vs. robot


From New Scientist: This could just be the first of many battles to come between natural flying predators, and man-made...

Homemade 400mm binoscope


A big Keanu “whoa!” for this 400mm binoscope (binocular telescope) being built by an enterprising Frenchman. He’s spent three years...

Vintage headphone mod

Vintage headphone mod


Over at the Steampunk Workshop, Jake inaugurates a new Guest Artist Project feature with the wonderful Molly “Porkshanks” Friedrich as...

59 Opel gets 376.59 mpg


Treehugger points us to this story about a 1959 Opel T-1 that, in 1973, got in the Guinness World Record...

One-handed Wii controller


From Hackszine: Ryan Culy designed a single-handed, combination Wiimote and Nunchuck (motechuck?), making Nunchuck-enabled Wii games accessible to a friend...

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