Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 402 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Technojunk salvage tips

Technojunk salvage tips


Here are some useful tips on salvaging components from old electronics. I especially like the idea of using the bottoms...

Pedometer take-apart

Pedometer take-apart


As we all know, you can learn so much from taking apart consumer electronics. Here, Lenore, of EMS Labs, does...

R2D2 knit hat


This R2D2 knit hat from the Craft: Blog was just too geek-chic to not cross-post here. Attention knitters who love...

Bell-striking computer clock


An analog bell with a simple hardware interface controlled via the Processing language. Build a real bell-striking clock for your...

Pyramid “Dream Car”


Crazy electric pyramid “Dream Car.” I guess the pyramid shape is supposed to keep the driver sharp. Dream Car –...

Maker Faire tryouts on BBtv


Folks frequently ask me what happens at Maker Faire tryouts. This episode of BBtv gives you some idea, as Greg...

Wired Science on DIY UAVs


Wired Science has a nice segment on Wired Editor in Chief Chris Anderson’s efforts to bring together amateurs working with...

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