Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 425 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Flinstones toddler wheels

Flinstones toddler wheels


Screw Big Wheels. If I were a toddler, I’d wanna be yabba dabba dooin’ my way around the ‘hood in...

Dalek builder’s manual

Dalek builder’s manual


Wanna build a Dalek? Project Dalek has a really well-done Dalek Builder’s Workshop Manual that you can download, but to...

DIY sneaky surround-sound

DIY sneaky surround-sound


In today’s O’Reilly Digital Media newsletter, David Battino has a piece on how you can burn your own surround-sound DVDs...

Wind-up steampunk laptop

Wind-up steampunk laptop


Our pal Datamancer has finally finished and posted details on his steampunk laptop. And it was worth the wait. Seriously...

Samurai Garbage Collector!

Samurai Garbage Collector!


Check out this ridiculously cool samurai costume made almost entirely out of Rubbermaid garbage cans. Halloween Samurai 2007 – [via]...

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