Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 427 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Plushie 360

Plushie 360


From deviantArtist “*kickass-peanut” comes this a-dorable Plushie 360. She should really think about selling these on Etsy. I would LOVE...

Homebrewed helicopter

Homebrewed helicopter


AFP has a story about a 24-year-old Nigerian physics undergrad who builds backyard helicopters out of car and bike parts...

Pleo at Maker Faire

Pleo at Maker Faire


John Sosoka, CTO of Ugobe, was at Maker Faire Austin showing off Pleo, the company’s robotic dino pet, and answering...

Gallery o’ strange vehicles

Gallery o’ strange vehicles


Avi Abrams has just finished up a fun three-part piece on Dark Roasted Blend showcasing some of the strangest, coolest,...

Killer-cool LED hat


As Hacked Gadgets says, you probably won’t have time to create this amazing LED hat for this Halloween, but if...

Ultimate Guitar Hero mod

Ultimate Guitar Hero mod


Now THAT’s what I’d call a heroic case mod! The ultimate Guitar Hero case mod – [via] Link

Desk drawer junk motor on BBTV

Desk drawer junk motor on BBTV


On today’s Boing Boing TV, MAKE Editor-in-Chief Mark Frauenfelder shows how to make a simple electric motor out of stuff...

Eames hacks

Eames hacks


I love the “hacks” of classic Eames furniture on this Industrial Design student’s blog. There are only two items currently...

Kiddie lightsabers 2.0

Kiddie lightsabers 2.0


Steve Lodefink, not one to rest on his past hacks (have you ever sat on a plasma beam weapon?), has...

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