Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 428 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Upcoming Dorkbot Pittsburgh event

Upcoming Dorkbot Pittsburgh event


J. Eric Townsend of Dorkbot Pittsburgh writes: Join us at brillobox (Thursday 18 October, 7:30-9:30) for this month’s dorkbot pittsburgh....

Mark’s Boing Box

Mark’s Boing Box


On the most recent episode of Boing Boing TV, MAKE Editor-in-Chief Mark Frauenfelder shows off the Boing Box he made....

Lightning globe


This Instructable, involving high-voltage electricity, shows how to create a “lightning globe.” Probably not a good idea for most people...

White Lies: the empathic robot painter


Trossen Robotics runs a monthly contest to encourage interesting and innovative robot-related projects. The winning entry this month (September) is...

Solar farm wagon, small biz platform

Solar farm wagon, small biz platform


From AfriGadget comes this item about a solar-powered donkey-drawn farm utility vehicle with 21st century extras: The HAPV (Advertised as...

Halloween-themed Thingamagoops

Halloween-themed Thingamagoops


Bleep Labs has created a special line of their Thingamagoop analog synth critters for Halloween. They have (l-r) a robot,...

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