Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 431 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

DIY Bluetooth Frankenphones

DIY Bluetooth Frankenphones


When Sarah Lemarié’s Logitech Bluetooth headphones snapped in half, as they are apparently wont to do, she did what any...

Host a soda rocket party

Host a soda rocket party


MAKE pal Steve Lodefink posted the details on a couple of kid parties he’s thrown centered on building and flying...

Gruesome gashes from bubblegum


Here’s a surprisingly simple way of sculpting effectively ghastly-looking gashes and scars using bubblegum as the base. [And I don’t...

JTAG pinout detector

JTAG pinout detector


JTAG is a standard for device testing ports found on the PCBs of many devices. Finding the pads and pinouts...

Paraglider made from storage bags

Paraglider made from storage bags


By way of the awesome AfriGadget site comes this Wired story about a paraglider builder/flier from South Africa: Cyril is...

Desktop “Strandbeest” walker


The work of Dutch physicist-turned-artist Theo Jansen has inspired many, including us here at MAKE. His amazing “Strandbeest” (beach animals),...

Robot Jockey, the sport that never was


Before BigDog and LittleDog, Boston Dynamics Director Martin Buehler was messing around with single-leg motility, here via the Robot Jockey,...

Robothon 2007 results

Robothon 2007 results


Robothon 2007 is over. The results from the fifteen different competitions, from 12 lb combat robots to micro-mouse to mini-sumo,...

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