Gareth Branwyn, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 433 of 643

Latest from Gareth Branwyn

Interactive LED coffee table kits

Interactive LED coffee table kits


Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories has teamed up with Because We Can to create two awesome interactive LED coffee tables with...

More i-SOBOT videos


Robots Dreams (by way of Waziwazi) has posted new videos of the forthcoming Tomy i-Sobot, a very nimble and sophisticated...

Hacking away the clutter


I hate clutter. But like every other media and tech junkie, my world is awash in print and recorded media...

Stunning Spiderbot


This hexapod robot by animatronic artist Matt Denton is sure to freak your freak. Truly impressive. Micromagic Systems (Denton’s animatronics...

Simple, humane mousetrap

Simple, humane mousetrap


Here’s yet another scheme for a DIY mousetrap that doesn’t starve, decapitate, or Ebola-fy the guts of the vermin in...

Wiimote-controlled robot


This bot was built by Andrew Hundt, Boris Lipchin, and Ned Fox for an Intro to Robotics class at Carnegie...

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