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Miriam Engle
Miriam Engle is a professional nomad and the writer for our filmmaking adventure. Since graduating from The College of William & Mary in 2011, she has lived and worked across five continents.
Latest from Miriam Engle
Miriam and Madison saw a lot of cool projects while hopping from one European fab lab to the next. Here...
Now that their long bicycle journey is over, Miriam and Madison look back at their favorite fab labs across Europe.
Miriam and Madison have biked across Europe visiting FabLabs and Makerspaces along the way. Check in with them in their...
Miriam Engle and Madison Worthy are filming a documentary about the Maker Movement in Europe. Follow along on their bicycling...
Our names are Madison Worthy and Miriam Engle and we are cycling from Copenhagen to Barcelona to film the documentary...
Editor’s note: Madison Worthy and Miriam Engle are biking across Europe, visiting different makerspaces, and filming Self-Made, a documentary about...
Editor’s note: Madison Worthy and Miriam Engle are biking across Europe, visiting different Makerspaces, and filming Self-Made, a documentary about...
Editor’s note: Madison Worthy and Miriam Engle are biking across Europe, visiting different Makerspaces, and filming Self-Made, a documentary about...
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