
Humans, Chess and DVDs

Humans, Chess and DVDs

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This week 8 years ago, the humans lost the chess battle to Deep Blue. I netflixed “Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine” a great documentary on Kasparov’s Chess match with IBM (he lost, but they’ve yet to rematch) but noticed Netflix branded the DVD as well as watermarking the menu system. Is this a new way netflix will cut down on the “Netflix project” – an effort to copy of 25k DVDs. Or is Netflix Longtailing DVDs becomming a distributer for independent films? Photos of the DVD and menu here. IBM, how about open sourcing Deep Blue, it’s been 8 years. We’d love to do a DIY chess supercomputer for MAKE.

DIY KITT Car Scanner

DIY KITT Car Scanner

Kitt Animated Might be neat to add this to an actual car PC…This custom mod gives your computer the personality of KITT, the computerized car from Knight Rider TV fame. It slides into a CD drive bay, and only has a single standard power connector. The project is a light display which imitates the dot in KITT’s hood. It looks like the scanning eye of the car’s computer that is so smart it has a personality and acts autonomously. Some people have said the computer shows more emotion and personality than the main actor, David Hasselhoff. Link.

Vinyl Video

Vinyl Video

Cedcompare has a great overview of video on vinyl and the history of getting videos on all sorts of discs. In fact, there was a ‘format war’ of sorts that broke out amongst companies encoding video onto grooved discs, well before the VHS / Beta wars were waged. CED’s appear to have been the dominant iteration of this technology, though I’ve found reference to a number of similarly imagined formats, including VHD videodisc system, Magnavision/DiscoVision, phonovid and y. Link.

Cheap Portable Heating for Projects

Cheap Portable Heating for Projects

Wolfgang Puck is releasing self-heating coffee- can’t wait to pick one up and use it for some projects! It took a California company named OnTech seven years and $24 million to create the self-heating cans, which are activated by pushing a plastic button on the bottom. Water flows into a sealed inner cone filled with quicklime, which is mostly calcium oxide. A chemical reaction heats the coffee to a pleasant 145 degrees in six to eight minutes, the amount of time it might take to order, pay for and receive a latte from a barista. Link.

TV Fish Tank

TV Fish Tank

This fellow has a few cool projects, I like the TV Fish Tank- A friend of mine had a broken television, and for whatever reason, I decided I should make it into a fish tank. As a word of warning to anyone who may attempt something similar, this project has been a little difficult, mostly because I’ve never built a fish tank before, and it’s hard to get something that looks good and is also capable of holding 120 lbs of water. It’s easier if you use a smaller tv. Link.