
Yahoo! Music Engine looks friendly?

Yahoo! Music Engine looks friendly?

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I’m really interested in the Yahoo! Music Engine because of Ian Rogers who works for Yahoo! -he posted a list of reasons you should or shouldn’t use the new player and service. Napster taught us alll price matters, so $5/month is better, IM hooks (finally some does IM sharing), OGG and FLAC Encoding and plug ins for podcasting, as well as other roll your own type addons. I’m going to try it, looks different, looks like someone is listening…and that’s what it takes to get me to install something. Link.

Seeing Around Corners With Dual Photography

Seeing Around Corners With Dual Photography

 Papers Dual Photography TeaserVia /. We present a novel photographic technique called dual photography, which exploits Helmholtz reciprocity to interchange the lights and cameras in a scene. With a video projector providing structured illumination, reciprocity permits us to generate pictures from the viewpoint of the projector, even though no camera was present at that location. The technique is completely image-based, requiring no knowledge of scene geometry or surface properties, and by its nature automatically includes all transport paths, including shadows, interreflections and caustics. I need to really read this again and watch the video. Link.

Server Status with Keyboard LEDs

Server Status with Keyboard LEDs

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Here’s a neat article on how to use keyboard LEDs to monitor the status of a linux server. writes “I have a number of linux servers at home, and typically want to be able to monitor the status of them remotely. The servers are all located in a walk-in-cupboard in my office, and being able to see the status of some key parameters is very handy. In particular, I want to be able to see the status of my internet firewall, a Smoothwall box, ie, if my internet connection is up, and if traffic is being received and/or transmitted“. Link.

Feel Small Project

Feel Small Project

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Here’s a simple and fun project to do with Google maps and Flickr. Flickr member iDanSimpson has a step by step on taking a screenshot of a location, zooming out and using the build in slideshow to make a little view of just how small things are. It’s much like a DIY “Powers of 10”. Link.

Update on the Pez MP3 Project

Update on the Pez MP3 Project

More intrigue, suspense and a roller-coaster ride on the PEZ MP3 project it seems. The PEZ MP3 is project started by a stay at home day with the dream of bringing a PEZ MP3 player to market- the latest: PEZ won’t let go for “Candy for your Ears” and PEZ won’t allow the player to use the same heads as the normal candy filled ones. This might all sound like bad news, but Pat has some new ideas and some solutions.Link.

The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art

The Complete Guide to Isometric Pixel Art

Here’s a great guide on making all the cool retroy pixel graphics. “Each separate IPA image is always going too made up of single computer generated blocks, known as pixels. Each pixel is the same size as any other pixel, but it can be any colour you can think of and it can fit together with other pixels, any way you can think of. You can think of a pixel-based image as you can a mosaic in real life that is made up of tiles to form an overall picture”.Link.