
The Junkyard Turbojet Engine

The Junkyard Turbojet Engine

smnight1.jpgHere’s a site that shows how Mike made a working jet engine built from junkyard parts. The engine presented here is based on a used automotive turbo charger, lots of off the shelf parts, and only a few custom made components. Anyone with a little knowledge of engines, access to a reasonably well stocked workshop, some free time, and some excess cash should be able to make an engineLink.

Mad Physics Dot Com

Mad Physics Dot Com

glow.jpgMad Physics Dot Com is a site created by a couple students/researchers to show how things work, some experiments and demonstrations. The experiments include: The Physics of Glowsticks, GIANT Hooke’s Law Demonstration and The Science of Fire Extinguishers. They also have a neat section called “Ask Mad Physics”. [Via MeFi] Link

110,000 Volt Taser Cannon

tasergun.jpgTaser upgraded via FarkLightning On Demand is a volunteer organization of engineers, artists, scientists and machinists. Our key objective is to produce a controllable discharge of lightning at the greatest physical scale imaginable using modern technology. One of the projects is a 110,000 Volt Taser Cannon. The Taser Cannon can direct a 15,000 Ampere plasma channel through the air along a straight trajectory, at grounded targets up to 35 ft downrange. Link.

Widget Hacks

Widget Hacks

phone.jpgHere’s how you change the Phone Book Widget on Apple’s new Mac OS X Tiger to use Google Maps instead- Hes Nikke on macoshints says…“Mapquest is an aging mapping system and doesn’t fit in with the new shinyness in Tiger. Thats why I made the phone book widget use Google Maps instead”. Link.

Kegerator Construction

Kegerator Construction

keg.jpgIt’s starting to get warmer out, and beer drinking Makers will soon be hacking up all sorts of ways to keep the brews cold. Here’s a classic article that Saul sent over. You’ll need a Keg of beer, full CO2 cylinder, tower conversion kit and a chest freezer. Post up other plans and articles if you have some favorite ones. Link.