
BENT 2005 Festival

BENT 2005 Festival

bent.jpgThe BENT 2005 Circuit Bending Festival is a four day exploration of the art of circuit bending. The festival is in NYC from April 27th to the 30th. What is Circuit Bending? The term circuit bending refers to the act of modifying the circuitry of battery-powered children’s toys to create strange, new, and unintended sounds for creative purposes. Link.

Geiger Countering on planes

Geiger Countering on planes

radon.jpgAwhile back I did some testing of using a USB based Geiger counter on a plane ride from Seattle to San Fran to detect cosmic rays- Dean used a Aware Electronics RM-70 to do the same on more on a Southwest Airlines flight to LAX. On the site you can see graphs from the flight as well as the decay of radioactive daughter products of radon-222 being captured on a coffee filter that filtered 15 minutes of air through a vacuum cleaner in someone’s basement in Ohio. Link.

Alarm Clock Hacking

Alarm Clock Hacking

thtimexclock.jpgNew DIY trend, alarm clock mods. Hacking an alarm clock so that it will enter snooze mode when it experiences a shock. In this project, we will bypass the mechanical snooze switch on top, and instead turn the alarm clock off in a much more fun way: punching it! Hopefully along the way I will be able to teach you some techniques that are useful in reverse engineering, so you can apply them to future projects. Link.

LEGO Han Solo in Carbonite

LEGO Han Solo in Carbonite

solo1.jpgIt’s that time of year again- Star Wars season. Expect to see a lot of cool DIY light sabers, life size Tie Fighers, DIY Ewok costumes and of course a 70″ x 30″ x 10″ Han Solo in Carbonite made from LEGOs. It took about 10,000 bricks, almost all dark gray, and about three months of on and off building. Link.