Maker Faire
Geeks gather together for an evening of DIY fun in our first-ever mini MAKE Fest at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology conference in 2005.
Geeks gather together for an evening of DIY fun in our first-ever mini MAKE Fest at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology conference in 2005.
Lego: the ultimate prototyping material. Seriously.
Tim Anderson describes the homemade solutions he saw on a recent trip to Nicaragua: hand-pedaled bicycles, reused school buses, horse-drawn carriages, sock coffee filters, and ancient cooling systems and water filters abound.
Hacking robot toys is all in a day’s work for Natalie Jeremijenko. Dale Dougherty trails the UCSD professor for a day of fun at the races, transforming toy robotic dogs into environmental avengers.
Some people are just better prepared for an ’80s revival.
If simplicity is the heart of elegance, then this one-wheeled motorized scooter far out-glams its two-wheeled cousins.
Twin Cities-based type designer Mark Simonson augmented his flatbed scanner with filmstrip holders made of Lego.