Maker News

From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!

When Making Meets Working

When Making Meets Working

The more technology rules our lives, the more our worlds blur. Thanks to smartphones, tablets, cloud services, 3-D printing, etc. the walls between the workplace and our personal lives are melting. While at work, we address personal email and buy holiday gifts. At home on a Saturday, we respond to work email and research a new software purchase for work. Somewhere in between we find the time to tenaciously tinker in our garages and remember what it’s like to explore science and technology for the pure fun of it. Why not bring our garage creations and maker mindsets to the workplace?