Hackerspace Happenings
News and information from the world of hackerspaces!
From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!
News and information from the world of hackerspaces!
Ever notice how most makerspaces less than 4,000 square foot are powered by volunteers and are rich with community? Ever notice that larger makerspaces tend to have more than 12,000 square foot, are powered by paid staff and are relatively slim on community? At How to Make a Makerspace this gap was characterized as the makerspace chasm.
As Gui Cavalcanti said during class, “There’s a reason that there’s such a specific divide between small spaces and large spaces. Once you get much larger than 3,000 – 4,000 square feet, the space becomes incredibly difficult to manage with only volunteers. Spaces that aren’t large enough, however, can’t pay staff.”
Have you been wondering about the durability of your dental floss? Neither have we. But the people from Consumer Reports — this is exactly the kind of thing they’ve been thinking about, since 1936. And they have the machine, above, to prove it. You can find it in their booth in Zone C, along with […]
The goal of the challenge was to support design-driven production, promote a culture of innovation, and to foster the development of new businesses in New York City.
New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) challenged the city’s makers to compete in a year-long New York’s Next Top Makers Challenge. The winner will be announced at MAKE’s Hardware Innovation Workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at a special evening reception at the New York Hall of Science.
A new hardware crowdfunding site, Dragon Innovation, first announced a few weeks ago, is now live. Eight hardware campaigns are already off and running.
And you thought hand-soldering fifty kits’ worth of SMDs was hard…