Junkyard Knapping: Making Arrowheads from a “Forbidden” Bottle
A “historical hunter” uses knapping to turn an antique whiskey bottle into a set of arrowheads.
As makers, we are blessed with fascinating ways to create unique pieces of artwork or sculptures from scratch. From working with traditional methods like wood carving and metalworking to utilizing emerging technologies like 3D printing and laser cutting, there is an endless array of possibilities for makers to explore. They are continuously breathing life into breathtaking creations that make us all stand back in awe. Let’s take a look at some recent developments in what makers around the world have been creating lately – be sure not to miss out on their incredible artwork!
A “historical hunter” uses knapping to turn an antique whiskey bottle into a set of arrowheads.
Will Atwood’s three-dimensional resin paintings have, on average, twenty layers. They change when looked at from different angles.
Find a group near you that does Burning Man projects, and start working together with other makers on extensive collaborative art projects.
John Edgar Park’s replica of Lúcio’s Sonic Amplifier, from the video game Overwatch, mimics the gun’s in-game ability to “shoot” music.
Frank Zhao put his book making skills to the test, and crafted the “Enchiridion” from the TV show “Adventure Time.”
Toronto-based painter Callen Schaub collaborates with the machines he makes to create process-based paintings.
Dolphin Guan likes creating cute animals with intelligent personalities and creating outfits that combine electronics and fashion.