Hands-free tunes
Troy writes – “Assemble a switch box to switch from listening to music on head phones to listening to answering your phone with your left ear, while music continues in the right.” Link.
Take your creations beyond the workshop and onto the stage with diy music instruments! Let us show you how these creations range from simple, basic setups that produce beautiful sounds to more complex projects that require a greater level of engineering knowledge. With these tutorials and examples, we’ll guide you on this journey to make your own musical instrument for experimental, artistic or everyday use – so whether you’re starting out new or a seasoned sound creator, come explore the wonderful world of making your own music.
Troy writes – “Assemble a switch box to switch from listening to music on head phones to listening to answering your phone with your left ear, while music continues in the right.” Link.
Realta writes – “Do you want to play the conga drum and are held back because of the stiff introductory purchase price attached to a commercially made “professional” conga? If you can build a bird house then you can make a conga drum–satisfaction guaranteed.” [via] Link. Related: Home-Made Cajon – Link. History of the Cajon […]
Like iTunes, but don’t have an iPod? Now you can use just about any MP3 with iTunes with this app (Win) called iTunes agent – [via] Link. Pictured here, my non-iPod, the PEZMP3 player – Link.
Master over at LoFi turned this old Gameboy case into a 6 oscillator synth, check out the pictures, info and video – Link.
Here’s how to mod a pair of cheap wireless headphones to play music from a computer across the room – [via] Link.
Old hard drives with sound pickups are powered up and “played” as the hard drives boot, spin, etc. [via] Link with photos and sounds!
Talking Electronics writes – “A friend of mine who runs an electronic shop wants to install an old cd-rom to be used as a stand alone cd-player in his truck. His problem was to find a suitable power supply for this purpose. A cd-rom uses 2 power supplies, 5 Volts which is used in its […]