Making Miniature Electric Guitars from Popsicle Sticks
Build tiny and impressive replicas of electric guitars with basic household materials.
The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for the kitchen, garage and backyard from food to furniture to fun & games for your family.
Build tiny and impressive replicas of electric guitars with basic household materials.
For these two ambitious women, their idea of hanging out together is building a tiny house in a week.
Graz makes a pizza cutter out of a blade he stole from Jimmy DiResta.
John Park documents how he turned some LED light strips into convincing (and programmable) neon-like signage.
a clip-on steering wheel changes the game
Make a convincing portal gun out of little more than cardboard, kitchen trash, and some recycled LEDs.
From McDonald’s salads to Costco salmon and Chipotle burritos, food recalls are on the rise.