
The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for the kitchen, garage and backyard from food to furniture to fun & games for your family.

Turn virtual 3D objects into real world objects

Turn virtual 3D objects into real world objects

Sl RealHere it is…3D-printing a SecondLife / WoW character, and mashup into Google Earth! “OGLE (i.e. OpenGLExtractor) is a software package by Eyebeam R&D that allows for the capture and re-use of 3D geometry data from 3D graphics applications running on Microsoft Windows. It works by observing the data flowing between 3D applications and the system’s OpenGL library, and recording that data in a standard 3D file format. In other words, a ‘screen grab’ or ‘view source’ operation for 3D data.” [via] Link.

Hacking Your PSP Audio

Hacking Your PSP Audio

Psp2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1Good article about the audio formats and hacks for the PSP – “The PSP’s audio capabilities are second to none among portable gaming platforms on the market today. In this feature you will learn the audio formats supported by your particular PSP, the right formats to use when encoding audio, how to access your iTunes library with your PSP, and much more.” [via] Link.

HOW TO – DS eReader modification

HOW TO – DS eReader modification

100 0077eReader for the DS hack! “As can be seen in the following pictures, the eReader will not fit into the Nintendo DS due to the way the linkport connector is arranged, for the original Gameboy advance system. You will need the following tools to disassemble and modify the eReader. Tri-Wing driver (It is also possible to use a precision slotted driver to remove the screws). #0 philips driver (Again, a precision slotted driver can be used here.). Some form of cutting tool. (xacto knife, rotary tool) (only if you need the eReader link port connector for the original gameboy advance.)” [via] Link.

Interview with Ben Heck – Console Hacker Extraordinaire

Interview with Ben Heck – Console Hacker Extraordinaire

AtarilaptopGreat interview! “Benjamin Heckendorn (aka Ben Heck) is one of the greatest console hackers the gaming community has ever known. Not only does Ben have the amazing technical knowledge and great design sense, but he is also a riot to converse with. In case you are not familiar with his work, Ben basically takes full game systems (from basically all console generations) and turns them into a custom handheld device.” Thanks Brian! Link.