Maker News

From advancements in technology and materials, to the development of innovative techniques and ideas, there’s always something new on the horizon. As a maker, your success depends on your ability to keep up with all these changes. Let’s take a look at some of the most noteworthy developments that are taking place in making right now!

Fun Designs for the Moat Boat Paddle Battle

Fun Designs for the Moat Boat Paddle Battle

  The first races of the Moat Boat Paddle Battle are almost here! If you are headed to Maker Faire Bay Area next weekend, now is the time to enter and have your shot at winning one of the fantastic 3D printers from SeeMeCNC. Register Now During the announcement we offered would-be racers a downloadable file of two example boats that they […]

Rockstar Robots: Meet RX Robots Medi

Rockstar Robots: Meet RX Robots Medi

  Celebrities in general have always taken up some humanitarian causes, whether it’s taking care of hurricane victims or visiting young fans at children’s hospitals and robots are no different. Take RX Robots MEDi (Medicine and Engineering Designing Intelligence) robot for example, you’ve seen it before but probably couldn’t remember its name. Regardless, this little […]