
DIY science is the perfect way to use your creative skills and learn something new. With the right supplies, some determination, and a curious mind, you can create amazing experiments that open up a whole world of possibilities. At home-made laboratories or tech workshops, makers from all backgrounds can explore new ideas by finding ways to study their environment in novel ways – allowing them to make breathtaking discoveries!

The What, How and Why of CO2 Monitoring

The What, How and Why of CO2 Monitoring

Guido Burger is the CO2 Tech Guru. He has been working on all aspects of CO2 devices used indoors to give feedback on room ventilation. Last year, he wrote the cover story, CO2 Traffic Light, for Make: Germany and since then he’s continued improving the device. In this video, he explains why monitoring CO2 is important and shows us the components of a CO2 device and guides us through the hardware and software build.

Plan CO2: Making A Public Display

Plan CO2: Making A Public Display

When I saw the big emoji (old school – smiley) on Carter Nelson’s RGB Matrix Portal Room CO2 Monitor project on Adafruit, I knew he was on to something. I wished that I would begin seeing more such displays in places like restaurants and shops, not to mention school classrooms, offices and makerspaces in the coming months. In Carter’s Adafruit project, the CO2 monitoring device presents a concise public-health message.