
DIY science is the perfect way to use your creative skills and learn something new. With the right supplies, some determination, and a curious mind, you can create amazing experiments that open up a whole world of possibilities. At home-made laboratories or tech workshops, makers from all backgrounds can explore new ideas by finding ways to study their environment in novel ways – allowing them to make breathtaking discoveries!

Plan C Live: Maker Response to Covid-19 in France

Plan C Live: Maker Response to Covid-19 in France

Join Mike Senese, executive editor of Make: Magazine and Alexandre Rousselet, coordinator of regional FabLabs across France, to talk with some of the central activators, innovators, and organizers of the open source and maker response to COVID-19 in France. Registration link: Time: Jun 11, 2020 09:30 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada) Or you […]

PLAN C: HYJEIA: A Low-cost UV-C Unit

PLAN C: HYJEIA: A Low-cost UV-C Unit

  Two hours outside of Tokyo in Chiba prefecture is Hackerfarm, a hackerspace that applies technology to growing things like potatoes. Christopher Wang, better known as Akiba, is thinking that potatoes would feed a lot of people if food shortages result from COVID-19. The experiment is called Project Potatohead — A Farm-to-Foodbank Initiative. However, Akiba […]