
As the preeminent tool for makers, Arduino is a versatile platform that covers almost every type of creative making. With its simple-to-use coding language and fun programming concepts, Arduino enables users to create modern electronics with ease. From beginner level projects like flashing LED lights to more advanced builds such as interactive robots, there are an endless number of possibilities when it comes to building projects with Arduino. Whether you are new or an experienced builder in search of fresh ideas, these posts will provide interesting Arduino tutorials and unique ideas that may spark your creativity and motivate you take on any type of maker project!

Introducing Meggy Jr RGB

Introducing Meggy Jr RGB

Today, Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories announced a new kit, the Meggy Jr RGB. Meggy is a development platform for handheld pixel games built around a 8×8 RGB LED matrix display and driven by an ATmega168 MCU. You can write your own games for it and use it through the Arduino dev environment. Nifty! A unique […]

Chromadepth stereo viewer

Chromadepth stereo viewer

A big fan of stereoscopic imaging, Matti heavily modded a viewmaster – adding an Arduino board, accelerometer, bluetooth and some buttons. The result is an interactive animation viewer using color-based chromadepth technique for 3D – The Arduino sends the sensor data and the button states wirelessly via bluetooth to my computer. The information is parsed […]

Arduino ClockShield

Arduino ClockShield

Have an oscilloscope, have an Arduino – you need this! The Arduino ClockShield via Ladyada. The latest incarnation of the Dutchtronix AVR Oscilloscope clock, the Hardware 3.1 Enhanced kit, uses the Atmega328p AVR with twice the code space. Using a 1KB bootloader (Arduino compatible) makes 31KB of application space available. This extra code space makes […]