Other Boards

Development boards are perfect for empowering makers to easily get up and running on their projects, as they provide all the necessary tools and resources needed for quickly getting started with any given task. For those new to the maker world or experienced developers wanting an update on all that’s available out there right now, we have created this blog post collection in order to highlight amazing development boards with tips, tricks, and tutorials.

Video with sound on iPods with Linux

Video with sound on iPods with Linux

Wiki-1-1-1 I finally got around to checking this out…“we’re going to do something pretty bold… we’re going to release the iPod Video.” Finally, I got sound and video to work together on the iPod Photo (thanks to a new audio driver by Bernard). It should show up in CVS soon (within the next few hours). It’ll be in the next nightly kernel+podzilla.” [via] Link. HOW TO and downloads here. I’ll post a video soon, so far it worked great.