My Giant Robotic-Arm Operation Game
After seeing a medical robot on TV, deciding to build the OpBot — a giant robotic version of the popular board game Operation — was a natural progression for me.
Making a robot can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s the perfect combination of creativity, engineering and problem solving. However, if you’re just getting started in robotics, it can also be overwhelming. To make things easier for those who are just starting out, we’ve put together some tips and tricks to help makers bring robots to life! From the basics of assembling your robot to software implementation, these pointers will give you everything you need to get started on your robotic adventure!
After seeing a medical robot on TV, deciding to build the OpBot — a giant robotic version of the popular board game Operation — was a natural progression for me.
Orbotix now offers discounted multi-Sphero packs for educators, and free tutorials and lesson plans.
Build them from scratch, buy them complete, or meet somewhere in the middle.
Our visual celebration of the art and science of anthropomorphic robotics.
Dog-size insectoid robot features anodized aluminum frame, inline skate wheels.
Junk assemblage costume prosthesis creates the illusion of an extra limb.
Parrot’s new quadcopter slims down in size while growing its capabilities.