Do-It-Yourself Science on NPR

Do-It-Yourself Science on NPR

logo_npr_125.gifHere are a couple links from NPR’s Science Friday / Talk of the Nation with Ira Flatow. Talk of the Nation, April 1, 2005- We’ll look at some science and technology projects for the extra-resourceful, and some surprising uses for things you probably have around your house. Guests: Philip Torrone, associate editor, Make magazine and Cy Tymony, author of Sneaky Uses for Everyday Things.

RoboGames 2005

RoboGames 2005

figure3.jpgQuinn Norton on the O’Reilly network covers the 2005 RoboGames held at San Francisco State University. There’s robot combat action of course, but I really liked this one– Tirion, age ten, built his towel-carrying robot for the classic hacker’s reason–to scratch his own itch. He didn’t like getting cold between getting out of the pool and getting his towel, so he built a robot that could eventually bring him a towel. It’s not quite ready for poolside, but it took silver in the Mindstorms Open.

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

trippy.jpgVia DiggHere’s a great optical illusion, it kinda makes me dizzy after a bit though. And here’s another site which also has a lot of other ones, equally dizzying. None of these are animated GIFs, they work by simulated nonlinear luminance adaptation and simulated contrast adaptation- more about that here. I think I’ll try to make a wall sized one. If I could make one large enough I bet a crowd could potentially cause free-throwers to miss at a basketball game (slate had an article on one attempt like this).